Benito Serna Tips and tools for Ruby on Rails developers

Not using end-to-end tests in your TDD cycle

January 14, 2019

As I wrote in the previous article about using end-to-end tests in your TDD cycle… This kind of tests can be very helpful in some situations, and I think that is a good thing to try if it works for you and your current project.

I actually used the end-to-end tests to start my TDD cycle, more ore less like in the GOOS book, for a lot of time and projects… But to be honest I normally don’t put end-to-end tests in my TDD workflow. I normally prefer to write this kind of tests after the implementation, and not for every feature.

The problem with not using end-to-end tests is that that you could end with tests for a lot small objects interacting with each other, that in my opinion normally that’s a good thing, but with no evidence that you have wired them together in the right way =S

So to tackle this problem I almost always try to design “entry” points for my application code, in similar way of what some people call “Application services” or “Ports”…

In this way if in a feature dozens of different kind of objects/components will interact with each other… I try to “pack” them in this kind of commands to the application that I call use case functions. Resulting in 1 to 3 commands (or sometimes a little more) that take place in a bigger feature.

… And this things are the things that I write tests for! So instead of having independent tests for each piece of my “model” I test to 1 to 3 different actions in the application…

This help me to…

A little example

In a guest list app, we have a function to add an invitation… That we call in the controller like this…

class InvitationsController < ApplicationController
  def new
    render locals: { list_id: list_id, invitation_form: Lists.get_invitation_form }

  def create
    status = Lists.add_invitation(list_id, params[:invitation], ListInvitationRecord)

    if status.success?
      # render list
      render status: 422, locals: { list_id: list_id, invitation_form: status.form }

And we have a test file like this…

require_relative "../lists_spec"

module Lists
  describe "Add invitation" do
    def invitation_with(attrs)
      {id: rand(100)}.merge(attrs)

    def store_with(records)

    it "has a form with some attributes..." do
      form = Lists.get_invitation_form
      expect(form.title).to eq nil
      expect( eq nil
      expect( eq nil
      expect( eq nil
      expect(form.guests).to eq nil

    describe "with good params" do
      attr_reader :store, :list_id, :params

      before do
        @store = store_with([])
        @list_id = 1234
        @params = {
          "title" => "Uno",
          "guests" => "Benito, Maripaz",
          "group" => "Amigos Benito",
          "phone" => "1234-1234",
          "email" => ""

      it "creates a record" do
        expect(store).to receive(:create).with({
          list_id: list_id,
          title: "Uno",
          group: "Amigos Benito",
          guests: "Benito, Maripaz",
          phone: "1234-1234",
          email: ""

        Lists.add_invitation(list_id, params, store)

      it "returns success" do
        status = Lists.add_invitation(list_id, params, store)
        expect(status).to be_success

      it "returns the id of the created record" do
        allow(store).to receive(:create).and_return(invitation_with(id: "234"))
        status = Lists.add_invitation(list_id, params, store)
        expect(status.invitation_id).to eq "234"

    describe "without a title" do
      attr_reader :store, :list_id, :params

      before do
        @store = store_with([])
        @list_id = 1234
        @params = {
          "title" => "",
          "guests" => "Benito, Maripaz",
          "group" => "Amigos Benito",
          "phone" => "1234-1234",
          "email" => ""

      it "does not create the record" do
        expect(store).not_to receive(:create)
        Lists.add_invitation(list_id, params, store)

      it "does not return success" do
        status = Lists.add_invitation(list_id, params, store)
        expect(status).not_to be_success

      it "returns a blank error" do
        status = Lists.add_invitation(list_id, params, store)
        form = status.form
        expect(form.errors[:title]).to eq "no puede estar en blanco"

      it "keeps the sent params" do
        status = Lists.add_invitation(list_id, params, store)
        form = status.form
        expect(form.title).to eq ""
        expect(form.guests).to eq "Benito, Maripaz"
        expect( eq "Amigos Benito"
        expect( eq "1234-1234"
        expect( eq ""

And an implementation like this…

module Lists

  def self.add_invitation(list_id, params, store)
    form =
    errors = NewInvitationValidator.validate(form)

    if errors.empty?
      record = store.create(form.to_h.merge(list_id: list_id))[:id])

As you can see we have several objects talking to each other, but we are not testing them directly…

Some conclusions

For me this feels like writing unit tests as feature tests, but you know, naming is hard…

I have found this kind of use case functions very helpful and I hope you can take some ideas and apply something =)

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